Sunday, September 6, 2009

Whur muh fudstampz at?!

Annnnd the moment you've all been waiting for (suck it Linz), the weekly tally. I feel like this is going to be particularly anticlimactic being that I hardly spent a thing; but I won't keep you waiting any longer:

Seahawks Tickets: $0.00
Parking at Seahawks game: $0.00
Chalk bag from Vertical World: $0.00
Gas so far: $0.00
Hot Dog at Qwest Field: $5.00
Jones Soda at Qwest Field: 4.75
Kettle Corn at Qwest Field: $5.00
TOTAL: $14.75 (for the math retarded.)

The game and parking were the gifts of loving friends, the chalk bag a gift from loving vertical world employees (that apparently hated Linz enough to help me win). The hot dog and drank at the game were necessary, I had just spent nearly 3 hours driving to Issaquah then to Seattle in the worst of Seattle traffic, and if you know me well, you know I feel like spontaneously imploding in bad traffic. Kettle corn I can't pass up, I just can't, it's like my crack. I figured I'd indulge at the game being that I'd spent literally $0.00 since the 1st of September.

Money saving tip of the week: Why are you stopping at red lights? Do you think they stop at red lights in Mexico or Libya? You bet your burro they don't. Stopping at red lights is a waste of gas. If you get in hot water with the law, you can't run (waste of gas) and you can't get arrested (waste of money), what you need to do is find a deserted spot ASAP, ditch the car and set off on foot. If the cop didn't see you ditch the car, go back the next day for it. This tip works well in conjunction with night driving.

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