Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This Would Be A Great Time For An Inspirational Sports Montage

Here we are, wrapping up Week 3 and well into Week 4. OK, yes, I totally sucked the first two weeks but WOW I think I really pulled it together this week. See what I think really helped inspire me was seeing how much faith our fans have in me. (Either that or you all loathe Ryan, totally understandable, he's like the human version of a cactus).
Not counting my own vote, and assuming my mother voted for me, that leaves 22 votes from people who genuinely believe I can take this home. (Don't ask me who Jake voted for, just know he has been sleeping on the couch for all of September.)So for that - thanks all! (Did I imply somewhere in a previous post you would get monetary reimbursement for voting for me? If someone could copy/paste that would be great.)

At this very moment I wish I watched sports so I could equate this to some fantastic underdog win, but as it stands I only watch curling. On to the totals!

Zen Sushi: $8.00 (lunch + tip)
24-Hour Fitness: $2.25 (bottled water)

TOTAL: $10.25

Can I get a what-what repeat and give you guys a moment to wipe off your computer screens and make sure you're reading that right?

TOTAL: $10.25

If ya'll could see me now, I am fist pumping and doing the dance of joy (p.s. I'm Balki, Ryan is Larry) Right now Ryan is Taylor Swift and I am Kanye, stealing his thunder and it feels so good!

Granted, this wasn't an epic sweep by any means, but it was a sweep for me - no matter how small. This is not to say it was an easy week, either. In fact, it totally sucked. I'm using the kids shampoo, my eyebrows need a wax like you wouldn't believe, and I also wasn't able to help my Nigerian prince friend cash his check or wire him money this month---his dad is in trouble, what?! (sorry Prince Obafemi! October, ok?)

It will be interesting to see how this week plays out. We're already to Wednesday, and in the spirit of competition I won't divulge how much I've spent so far, but let's just say when a bedraggled, overgrown eyebrowed, stinky, hungry woman wins - you'll know who was better this week.

I'm usually super snarky on the current economic state and would use this part of my post to say how we're all broke, enjoying articles called "What Former Rich People Are Up To", crowding our families into small apartments, blowing our emergency cash wad on suits and scoffing when Bernake says the recession is over (uhhh...Ben? Can I call you Ben? We're scoffing because we'd love to join the party but we're all too broke to afford the party hats.)....but right now I just can't.

I'll leave you with a visual representation of how I feel this week:

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