Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November Challenge: The One Where We Try To Be Better At Life

Hey Trusty Readers!
It's been a little while, huh? I know, you probably thought Ryan and I had some horrible falling out and weren't speaking to each other anymore, thus letting the blog die a slow and painful web death. As much as the thought puts a smile to my face, we were actually using this time to come up with a new challenge for November!

OK ok ok, truth? THE TRUTH?!?! Ryan and I were sending Aerosmith our cover of "Walk This Way" since they are officially searching for a new lead singer to replace Steven Tyler after the band just got too sober and cognizant.

Now that's been sent (cross your fingers for us) we can concentrate on our November challenge. Ryan, as you saw below, is going to try to be.....nice. Before I tell you my challenge, can I just tell you how HILARIOUS the next 10 days is going to be for me, envisioning Ryan choking out nice words, armpit sweat forming when having to be part of conversations he doesn't want to be in and having to put a lid on his snark? I've know Ryan for...wow, going on 11 years now...and I would describe him as if the word 'surly' took a human form. I'm not quite sure how we managed to develop such a friendship. I can only surmise it's some form of Helsinki Syndrome (Stockholms more perplexing, scary, tone-deaf cousin). Ryan trying to be super nice on a daily basis is akin to watching Will Smith play a mentally retarded person for a movie. Ryan, you're Will freaking Smith and hearing you talk like a mentally retarded person is going to make us all laugh really, really, really hard.

Wait a minute, now I’m picturing it. And laughing out loud. Oh man, this is a sweet mental trailer-picture. "Nooo you do not have cankles! You look wonderful, is that a new culotte set?" Hehehehehe

So while Ryan is gathering up all his spare Snuggies in his house (~217) in order to avoid people/having to be nice, I'll be working on my own personal challenge. My personal November challenge is: 30 minutes of Internet a day. Whooooo, chile, I KNOW. I. KNOW. It's going to be hard. Super hard. I mean, I literally spend 4 hours on the computer a day. The kids go to sleep around 8pm, I'm a nightowl - do you know what that means? The world is at my fingertips in the form of Renaissance paintings, listening to classical concertos, and to ponder deep philosophical musings (with the occasional video (or 10) of dogs trying to escape blankets).

I think I have it broken down as such for the next 10 days:
* 10 minutes of CNN.com/World
* 10 minutes of Email
* 10 minutes of Facebook

I can't tell you how much pop culture related sites I'll be missing out on (more like WON'T tell you) but I will be sorely out of the loop for 10 days. If someone came up to me and told me Scott Baio and Jaleel White murdered Alf while Kirk Cameron filmed, I may think it was true.

If I go over 30 minutes in a day or Ryan says a single mean thing, that counts as a fail. Whoever has the most fails at the end, well...you know how it works.

Now if ya'll exsqueeeeze me I have about 11 videos of cats throwing up to look through. It's like you can almost will things into existance on the internet. Can I share 2 of them?

1) The Viral Vom. One could argue this was the cat puking video that started it all. It’s kittens, it’s vomit, it’s over 7 million views, and it is just so adorable.

2) The Slow Mo. If you close your eyes, it almost sounds like diving into a pool.

Galsh. I'm gonna miss you Interwebs. See you in 10 days! Wait for me...my...preciousssss.....

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