Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sustainable spending habit changes?

I'd like to preface this entry with an apology: Lindsey has been super lazy with writing the final post for our competition, and I want to apologize on her behalf. This, you may think should not be an excuse for me to have not written MY final entry; however, I have my reasons: 1. Lindsey cheats, more on this later 2. I just properly used a colon and semicolon in the same sentence, please don't try this, you will fail. 3. Lindsey's laziness affects me negatively, it's very hard to pull people up, much easier for her to drag me down 4. I've been all jacked up on coke all week and couldn't actually write anything that had a semblance of continuity or humility, this is also Lindsey's fault. 5. Lindsey promised me that we'd both be on Larry King playing softball by this time for some huge scandal coming from our stardom as a result of our blog, she lied, I have received no phone calls from Larry's crew. You can see how all of these factors--all Lindsey's fault--could result in neglecting the blog.

I'm not going to spice this up with anything clever, or witty, I just want to say that I kicked Lindsey's ass. Unless she managed to spend negative money in the last week or so, she lost. To her supporters: You all knew the faster horse in this race would be me--you knew it, no need to lie to be nice--yet you still voted for the loser. What drives people to do this? This is the kind of lying to ourselves that put America in a recession in the first place. Do yourselves a favor and never own a business, traits like friendship will get you--and America--nowhere, I hope that you have taken that--and only that--from this month's competition. Now you know and knowing is half the battle.

Without further ado my totals:

Parking in Seattle: $5.00 (split 3 ways)
Being racist: $0.00
Winning this competition: $0.00
Not getting my car fixed (when I should have): $0.00

Subtotal: $5.00
Competition total: $96.01

Yes, you read it right, I spent less during the whole month than Lindsey did in week 2 of this competition. To celebrate my win, I need to come up with either: A. A way to punish the loser, or B: A gift from the loser. I have no idea what to choose for either option as Lindsey has blatantly refused to speak with a Vietnamese FOB accent for a week--something about alienating her family and friends?--and I have no other ideas. Do me a favor readers and offer up some suggestions, killing two birds with one stone here; I figure this will help us know if anyone is actually reading the blog, and it will solve my problem of having a non-creative mind when it comes to the reward/punishment.

I'm sure this has been the least I have ever spent in a month and I am looking forward to doing normal people things like going to movies, eating at restaurants, and driving places without worrying how many miles I have til I have to fill the tank; speaking of which, I hope you all noticed that my cheating competitor listed $0.00 for gas this entire month--is she now driving a turbine or nuclear reactor powered car? I don't know, I think it's more likely she cheated though. I suppose I can't blame her for not playing by the rules it's what her people do, See: Pearl Harbor bombing, driving, Genghis Khan, and Khmer Rouge for just a few (small) examples. Is this kind of spending sustainable, by either of us? That is an emphatic hell no; however, we are both trained in case someone challenges us to a "who can spend less" competition ever again--this will never happen.

Final money saving tip of the week (you get a 2fer this week): Save your bar soap slivers and putting them all in the mesh bag you get onions in. I take my old bar of soap and smash it into my new bar of soap, but saving the slivers so you can reconstitute it with other bars. Annnd, Macdonald's throws away lots of food they don't sell. A garbage bag full of fries is an instant party. You're welcome.

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