Monday, October 12, 2009

Phone Challenge '09

As evidenced by our previous "MSN Moment of the Day" post, Lindsey and I have frantically (>2 minutes a day brainstorming) been trying to come up with a new challenge to appease our massive readership. As you can see all of the ideas are really (really) stupid, and coincidentally all of the ideas are Lindsey's (Corn Challenge? WTF?!). Being that I'm very new to blogging and have the imagination of a creativity repressed communist, she is the idea factory, and I am the filter. However, one of us--I honestly don't remember which--finally came up with a new challenge that is a win-win for me, and absolutely crippling to Linz.

The challenge goes like this: The first person to make or receive three phone calls loses. Pretty basic right? We threw away the idea of a single elimination competition as it could end as quickly as it starts: Lindsey as an over coddling mother takes (emergency) call from her kids, weak, orrrr Ryan takes that call he's waiting for from Kate Beckinsale (or comparable other), awesome. The challenge applies to text messages as well. There are more T's and C's for this competition; however, for the life of me, I can't remember them. I'll let Linz go over the rest of the boring parameters for the challenge, she's better at it. I now have a great reason, documented by the never-lying interweb, to not talk on the phone, I can't imagine a better "challenge".

Now this competition is already off to a great start in the polls: 1 vote for Ry, 1 vote for Linz; this is amazing because we hadn't announced the criteria for the challenge before these votes were tabulated. I wonder who voted for me--Go Ryan!!1one11. Before you (the educated public) vote on this one, I suggest you take a look at this crude representation of how much Linz calls people/talks on the phone:


  1. Oh please, Ryan. Everyone knows that "Kate Beckinsale" is just an anagram for "I seek a black ten."


  2. I found a site that can make 11,076 anagrams from her name. One of them has to be "I love Ryan Edwardsen", right?
