Thursday, September 2, 2010

Charity Work

I've dabbled in some pro bono work this year, I will keep you updated with examples. My first example is something I did for this blog's co-author. She recently became a tax-paying member of society and I wrote a letter of introduction for her new company's members and board:

Welcome Lindsay!

Jack's spot-welders (company name edited for privacy) would like to introduce the newest addition to our staff: Lindsay Repp, President of Dolphin Relations. Lindsay is a local resident of Sweden (location edited to protect identity), and brings many years of office support, a marketing background, and a love for Hello Kitty to the table. Lindsay’s deep love for mermaids, krakens, and Loch Ness monsters is what attracted us to her in the first place; it was very clear to us that she was special when we hired her, the kind of special that will bring us government grants and subsidies for her employment. Most of Lindsay’s marine training comes from repeated viewings of “The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou” so she is well equipped to handle all the responsibilities this job will entail with cool collective ease—can’t wait to try her out in a hostage situation! Lindsay is currently working on establishing a means of communication with dolphins in order to help us understand why they are such blood thirsty killing machines, this project has had her barking and squealing pretty much constantly to work on her elocution of what she calls “Dolphinese”; she is in the very rudimentary stages of trying to get attention from the murderous little fish—this was a project she assigned to herself, so proactive!—but we tell her she is making progress daily. Lindsay is a perfect fit to our team and we are pleased to welcome her aboard. Congratulations Lindsay, ahem, Lindsey!

You're welcome Linz!

1 comment:

  1. Way to protect her identity you moron; you used her full name.
